To make an event request online, follow the instructions in the appropriate box below. All eligible and approved users must pay close attention to and abide by Barnard's Campus Events and Approval Policy.

Recognized Clubs and Organizations

Step 1:  If you are responsible for making event requests on behalf of your student club/organization, please follow the appropriate link below. You will be able to begin making event requests once you have been notified by Barnard Events Management (within 48 business hours) that your account has been activated.  

BARNARD STUDENTS (AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF A STUDENT GROUP) -- Login using your approved student group email address that was given access when your account was approved. This can be done by entering your username and password from the My Home tab above. Please allow 48 business hours for your account to be activated. Business hours are defined as Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern time.

COLUMBIA STUDENTS (AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF A STUDENT GROUP) -- If approved by way of Student Experience and Engagement and Barnard Events Management, Request An Account.  Please enter a Columbia e-mail address only. NOTE: only student group email addresses will be given access. Individual Columbia student email account requests will be denied. 

Step 2: Click the "Create A Reservation" link to the left  and make the appropriate selection to begin the event request process.

Barnard Faculty or Staff

If you have not previously requested an account or made space requests through Virtual EMS, please visit the My Home tab above and click the green "Request an Account" button. If you have used Virtual EMS previously and have an approved account, please proceed to "Step 1" below.

Step 1: Log-in here with your Barnard credentials.

You will be able to begin making event requests once you have been notified by Barnard Events Management (within 48 business hours) that your account has been activated.

Step 2: Click the "Create A Reservation" link to the left and make the appropriate selection to begin the event request process.

  Barnard Students (individual and not representative of a student organization)

Individual student EMS accounts are only permitted to make requests for student demonstrations 

If you have not previously requested an account with Barnard Events Management, please visit the "My Home" tab above and click the green "Request an Account" button. If you are unsure if you've previously requested an account, please try to "Request an Account" anyway. If you receive an error which indicates you have previously requested an account, please reach out to Events Management directly at [email protected].

Barnard Events Management cannot guarantee approval of requests or responses to emails noting issues with account requests outside of normal operating business hours, which are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (not including holidays). Barnard Events Management will make every reasonable effort to respond to account requests in the order in which they are received during these hours. We ask that you kindly keep in mind these hours prior to emailing with an update on the status of your request.

Once your account is approved, Barnard Events Management will send you an email with further instructions on how to request space. After you have carefully read these instructions, you may proceed to "Step 1" below. "Step 1" will not work and you will receive an error message if you try before your account is approved and active.
Step 1: Log-in here with your Barnard credentials.

Step 2: Click the "Create A Reservation" link to the left and make the appropriate selection to begin the event request process.













If you have logged in, note the change in the menu bar above. (You should see your name and not Guest in the upper right hand corner.) Use that to navigate Virtual EMS; explore it to see what options are available.  Please note that this site is best accessed with Google Chrome.
E-mail your comments to [email protected], we'd love to hear from you!